Maltrans Shipping Agencies
Maltrans is one of the leading agencies in Jordan that provides professional services with all agency functions. Its dynamic team of qualified staff is fully trained has proven a record of handling vessels and cargoes of following types:
- Container Loaded Cargoes Full Service.
- Conventional General Cargoes
- Bulk Cargoes.
- Project Cargoes.
- High Volume Fragile Cargoes.
Our services start prior to vessels arrival by per planning operation in direct coordination with Aqaba Port continuous supervision continues through discharging operations, although it is carried out by port, and all the way until cargoes are finally delivered to consignees in order to protect the principals interests.
Maltrans is in charge of the discharge tally of container-loaded cargoes, in addition to port with a complete discharge report delivered to principals within 24 hours.
A strict control on containers with round the clock supervision at the terminal enables us to report all container movements on daily basis in order to pinpoint the delays and related liabilities of transporters.
Our assistance in handling of heavy lifts, full project cargoes and high volume fragile cargoes has always been appreciated.
We adopt a professional approach in keeping principals posted in advance with latest updates of equipment limitations and local labour productivity as this has always been of great value.
The services offered towards storage, clearance and dispatch as one package were unique due to the fact that Maltrans organization has combined all required activities under one roof.
Our claims division follows up on all damaged, shorthanded or non delivered cargoes to minimize all possible claims, moreover, every husbandry requirement of our vessels is handled in a professional manner that meets the satisfaction of our principals.